Dragon Scale Betta Fish — Beautiful But Problematic 

Dragon-scale bettas have colorful, metallic bodies that shine more than all other varieties. They are distinguishable by the white overlay on the top of their scales.

Dragon scale bettas are one of the newest varieties available and also one of the most popular. Unfortunately, the selective breeding of dragon-scale bettas wasn’t exactly successful. These bettas are prone to blindness because of faulty genetics.

Dragon Scale Betta Fish

Despite their health problems, breeding continues. Many consider dragon scales one of the most beautiful varieties.

There are ways for aquarists to ensure they’re getting a healthy and ethically-bred betta. Plus, while there aren’t ways to prevent blindness, there are ways to give blind fish a better life.

Dragon Scale Betta Fish Appearance

Dragon scale betta fish are famous for their unique, metallic scales. The most noticeable part of the scale is the white overlay. “True” dragon-scale bettas always have an outer layer of white on their scales.

Darker colors, like red, rim the scales, which makes them more prominent.

The scales’ thickness and coloration make bettas look like they’re wearing dragon-scale-like armor.

Their Base Colors

These bettas have a base color, like red, seen throughout the body and fins. The secondary color — white — sits atop the base color, giving the fish their metallic hue.

Dragon scale bettas typically get their name from their body’s base color. For example, a fish with a red base color is a “red dragon-scale betta.”


Many bettas with metallic-like scales get the name “dragon-scale betta.” These fish are not “true” dragon scales unless they have a white or cream coating over their body’s base color.

“True” blue dragon scale bettas cannot exist. A betta can’t have a blue base color with white scaling overtop.

How To Tell If A Betta Fish Is A “True” Dragon Scale

“True” dragon-scale bettas must have white on their scales that overlay the base color. Look for this white coloration and avoid bettas labeled “dragon scale” that don’t have it.


Always buy dragon-scale bettas from a reputable breeder rather than a pet store. Credible breeders will label their fish accurately. They will not call a betta a “dragon scale” unless it really is.

Dragon scales from breeders are often pricier than pet store ones. Buying through a reputable breeder is more reliable. The fish are usually healthier, too, since good breeders won’t sell unhealthy fish.

Likewise, trusted breeders typically care more about their fish and breed them ethically. The fish are less prone to having health problems later in life than those from pet stores.

Where Did Dragon-Scale Bettas Come From?

Dragon-scale bettas have only been around since about 2004. It is said that the first dragon-scale betta came from crossbreeding. Breeders apparently crossed a Betta splendens with a Betta mahachai — a wild type. Dragon scales quickly became very popular in Thailand.

What Care Do Dragon Scale Betta Fish Need?

“Dragon-scale” simply refers to a coloration, not a species of betta. Dragon scales are Betta splendens, like most other bettas available in pet stores. They need the same basic care as other Betta splendens.

The smallest amount of space that a single betta needs is 5 gallons. At the very least, they need a heater, filter, food, and decorations, like plants.

With more money, research, and time, owners can develop exceptional tanks. Many hobbyists love to spoil their bettas, though it isn’t necessary.

Follow this simple betta fish care guide to set up an ideal betta environment.


Bettas are carnivores who need meaty, protein-rich diets. They cannot live on tropical fish food as it doesn’t contain enough nutrients.

Betta pellets or flakes are good staple foods — we’re partial to pellets. Give bettas live, frozen, or freeze-dried snacks a few times weekly. Healthy snacks add variety to their diet. They also give them a boost of nutrients that the pellets or flakes may be lacking.

Tank Mates

Dragon scale bettas are territorial toward other bettas and shouldn’t live with them. Despite this, they do well with many small, peaceful fish and invertebrates. Consider adding some tank mates to their aquarium if there is enough space.

A Quick Guide To Dragon Scale Betta Fish Care

Temperature 75-81°F (23.9-27.2°C)
Water Parameters
  • Ammonia: 0 ppm
  • Nitrites: 0 ppm
  • Nitrates: <40 ppm
  • pH: 6.5-7.5
Minimum Tank Size 5 gallons
Diet Protein-rich foods, including:

  • Betta pellets
  • Betta flakes
  • Freeze-dried, frozen, or live meats
    • Daphnia
    • Brine shrimp
    • Bloodworms
    • Etc.
Compatible Tank Mates
  • Ember, cardinal, or neon tetras
  • Harlequin rasboras
  • Platies
  • Snails
  • Large shrimp
  • Etc.

Are Dragon Scale Bettas Prone To Certain Health Issues?

Dragon scale bettas are prone to blindness due to issues with selective breeding. Their genetics are not great. Unfortunately, the desire for dragon-scale varieties causes more and more to be born.

A dragon scale’s scales grow quickly. The scales eventually grow over the eye and cause blindness. Those in the industry sometimes refer to this blindness as “diamond eye.”

Note that diamond eye can happen to any betta variety. It’s simply more prevalent amongst dragon scales.


Think of dragon-scale bettas like pugs. Selective breeding for “desirable” traits left pugs with smushed faces. Their facial structure makes breathing difficult and health problems prevalent. The same has happened with dragon-scale bettas.

Due to the popularity of dragon-scale bettas’ colors, selective breeding continues to happen. Most breeders are not trying to breed healthier dragon scales. Instead, they are trying to produce more colorful dragon scales. Trying to glean more colors while ignoring the current problems may lead to more issues.

Choosing A Healthy Dragon-Scale Betta

Look closely at the fish’s eyes when selecting a dragon-scale betta. Ensure their eyes are clear and not covered by a scale(s). Choose a fish whose face has less scaling, as it will take longer for the scales to grow and reach their eyes.

Dragon scales with scales on the face are often more desirable. They are also more prone to blindness.


Some breeders prey on new hobbyists that don’t know the dangers of “diamond eye.” They may try to sell already-blind bettas at increased prices. They do so by giving them different names to make them appear rare. These names include “diamond-eye,” “dragon-eye,” or “snake-eye” betta.

How To Care For A Blind Dragon Scale Betta

Diamond eye is not preventable or fully treatable. There are things owners can do to keep their fish comfortable and safe.

Keep the water temperatures warm and the water parameters stable. An unfit environment will likely make the fish sick, which is all the more for a blind fish to cope. A stable environment reduces stress and increases happiness.

Avoid changing the betta’s environment. Total or partial blindness makes it nearly impossible to navigate new environments. Switching up the decor can be stressful and may cause injuries.

Likewise, remove any sharp decorations from the tank. We always advise avoiding these decorations in normal circumstances. Betta fins are delicate and tear easily. Sharp decorations are more dangerous for blind bettas as they cannot avoid dangers.

Replace fake plants with real ones to aid in water quality and oxygenation. They also provide a place for bettas to rest if they become too tired.

Indian Almond Leaves & Banana Leaves

These leaves release tannins that have natural healing properties. They can boost the fish’s immune system, which helps them stay healthier and fight illness. They are also known for thinning scales, which may slightly improve a blind betta’s eyesight.

Lowering the pH, in general, can help with thinning scales. Tannins naturally lower pH, though they might not be enough.

Consider choosing a substrate, driftwood, or chemicals that will alter the pH further. Bettas can tolerate a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. To thin the scales, try to keep the pH at about 6.5.


Consider teaching the fish when it should come to the tank’s surface to search for food. Lightly tapping on the tank before feeding is a good cue that bettas pick up on quickly. Make sure to feed them in the same location every time to make finding the food easier.

Some hobbyists choose brightly-colored pellets or flakes. These are easier for partially blind fish to see. Likewise, soaking the food in garlic is a good way to help blind fish find their meal.

Blindness makes it more difficult for bettas to find food. Don’t keep a blind betta in a community tank with other fish, as they will likely outcompete the betta for food.

Dragon Scale Betta Lifespan

Betta splendens have average lifespans of two to five years. Many live upwards of five years when they receive excellent care. Healthy dragon-scale bettas are no different.

Unfortunately, poor genetics may cause them to have shorter lifespans. Their lives usually shorten once they develop blindness. Blindness makes it difficult to find food and makes injury more likely.