Green Betta Fish: The Second Rarest Betta Fish Color

Green betta fish are so rare that they almost seem mythical. Many wonder if “true” green bettas exist, or if some blue bettas only look green under certain lighting.

True green bettas do exist, though it’s hard to find them. They are difficult to breed for, and they sell quickly for a lot of money.

green Betta Fish 

Green Is The Second Rarest Betta Fish Color

True green bettas are hard to come by because the colors are rare. Green is the second-rarest color in betta fish, behind true solid purple.

Hobbyists have been selectively breeding betta fish for centuries for more beautiful colors. One result of selective breeding is green bettas. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to produce green bettas, even with selective breeding.

The most common colors in betta fish are blue and red.

Green Bettas Are In High Demand

The primary reason true green bettas are hard to find is their high demand. Hobbyists love the color of true green bettas, and there aren’t enough for everyone. True green bettas are less common to begin with, and they sell quickly. They also cost far more than other colors.

Breeding Green Betta Fish Is A Lot Of Work

Breeders need more time, money, and effort to breed for true green bettas specifically.

The breeder must know the exact lineage of each fish. Knowing their heritage allows them to determine which genes are dominant and recessive. The information allows them to choose parents most likely to produce green offspring. All this work leads to prices skyrocketing.

Having fry with many colors is far more difficult than having solid-colored fry.

Are Green Betta Fish Really Green?

There are true green betta fish, though they’re hard to find and expensive.

Not all “green” betta fish are truly green. Bettas are often labeled as “green bettas” when they are really turquoise.

Turquoise bettas tend to have a green shine that often makes them look more green than blue. Other times, the green glow to their scales is hard to see except under optimal lighting. Either way, their base color is not green, meaning they are not “true” green bettas.

What Tail Shape Do Green Bettas Have?

Green bettas can come with any tail type, whether that be veiltail, plakat, or halfmoon.

Caring For Green Betta Fish

Since green is only a color, green betta fish need the same care as all other bettas of its species.

Betta splendens are easy to care for as long as hobbyists give them the basics. That includes five gallons of water, a heater, a filter, and some decorations. They particularly like live plants for resting and exploring.

Nutrition is one of the most important things to consider when caring for fish. Bettas are carnivores that need a protein-rich diet. Pellets or flakes are good staples. Give them occasional snacks of live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods to add variety.

Knowing which tank mates are safe for bettas is important for those who wish to set up a community tank. Small, peaceful fish with short fins usually do well with bettas. Avoid fin-nippers and aggressive fish that may hurt the betta.

For more information on betta fish care, take a look at our comprehensive betta fish care guide.

A Quick Guide To Green Betta Fish Care

Temperature 75-81°F (23.9-27.2°C)
Water Parameters
  • Ammonia: 0 ppm
  • Nitrites: 0 ppm
  • Nitrates: <40 ppm
  • pH: 6.5-7.5
Minimum Tank Size 5 gallons
Diet Protein-rich foods, including:

  • Betta pellets
  • Betta flakes
  • Freeze-dried, frozen, or live meats
    • Daphnia
    • Brine shrimp
    • Bloodworms
    • Etc.
Compatible Tank Mates
  • Ember, cardinal, or neon tetras
  • Harlequin rasboras
  • Platies
  • Snails
  • Large shrimp
  • Etc.